Personality Plus for Couples


Allow and encourage your spouse to be who God created him/her to be.

SKU: P132 Category:


Does your spouse’s behavior sometimes make you cringe? She needs to lighten up. He needs to help out more. She thinks fifteen minutes late is on time. He thinks showing up on time is late. The two of you do and see things differently, but that doesn’t mean one is right and the other must be wrong. Rather, as expert Florence Littauer shows, your differences are a matter of personality. Personality Plus for Couples will help you resolve personality conflict and appreciate what’s unique about your mate–and yourself! Using her proven principles from Personality Plus and insightful examples from other couples, Florence offers husbands and wives: – a personality profile test to identify their personality types – the trademark characteristics of each personality type – ways to resolve hot conflicts that arise between spouses – what to expect if you marry someone of the same personality type, the opposite type, or a compatible type. Don’t resent your differences–understand them! Allow and encourage each other to be who God created you to be, through Personality Plus for Couples. P132, Revell, paperback, 224 pages


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